Friday, June 26, 2009


As we draw closer to our due date, Travis and I can't help but wonder who this little girl will be. We don't know a whole lot about her at this point...We know that she likes when I rub my belly, she's a squirmer & gives all the nurses a difficult time, she's quiet during the day and wild at night, she loves sticking her feet in my ribs, she gets the hiccups at least once a day, and from our 4D ultrasound has her daddy's nose. But we still wonder...
Will she be calm and laid back like Travis? Or anxious and high strung like me? (lord please be like daddy!)
What color hair will she have? Or will she be bald? Will her hair be straight or curly?
Will Maggie & Tucker love her? Will she love them?
Will she be a good sleeper or be fussy?
We are just so ready to meet her and get to know her better. I think the hardest part of last few weeks has been the waiting!
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