Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Well we went to the doctor today instead of tomorrow. We had a lil bit of a scare today...I hadn't felt Essie since 5:30 this morning so we went in at 2:30 this afternoon so I could be hooked up to the monitor. Everything is fine...her heartrate looked really good and I felt her several times while hooked up which was a huge relief for us. My doctor went ahead and checked me today since I was supposed to go in tomorrow for my regular appointment. And there is NOTHING to report on the baby front. I'm not dilated at bummer! I was quite disappointed to hear that. However I have dropped a little and she is still head down which is good news. Here are my 37 week pictures...Tucker just HAD to get in on the action today! Warning...don't look directly at my may cause dizziness! :)


Amy Barrett said...

Girl, I know how you felt on this one. I did the same thing about 35 weeks. I was terrified and couldn't think of anything else. They hooked the monitors up and she went crazy. I never complained of the painful wiggles again! haha. I'm glad everything was ok!

Cunningham's Chaos said...

This outfit is crazy cute! LOVE it!

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