Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Essie Update...

Well just back from the doctor's office and there is nothing to report. I'm still not dilated...I am thinning and she's still head down. I had lost another few pounds but the doctor did not mention it so I'm guessing he's not too concerned. Her heartrate was 156 and she gave the nurse a hard time like always in trying to get that heartrate! I think she's just a stubborn lil girl and is waiting for this heatwave to pass before she makes her big debut! The doctor said that we'd discuss our options at our next appointment...he typically does NOT like to induce unless absolutely necessary. In other words he will not recommend induction unless I'm at least a little dilated on my own first since inducing before I'm physically ready often results in a c-section. And I don't want a c-section unless we HAVE to. So I'm praying that she comes on her own so that we're not faced with that difficult decision. I hate to opt for an induction if she's not ready and I'd hate to wait too long til she's too big. He wants us to have a plan by our next appointment (which is Thursday) so we've got some talking to do I guess. He gave us several suggestions to "help get things going" but none sound too appealing right now! :)

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