Thursday, August 28, 2008


Unfortunately, we did lose the baby. However, Travis and I see so many blessings in this situation. One being that before we were pregnant, we didn't even know if we were ready to have children. This pregnancy (even though short in length) brought our desire for children right up front and now we cannot wait to get started and try again. This pregnancy brought us so much closer and we learned more about each other in the last 48 hours than we have in 5 years of marriage. I realized what such incredible friends and family we have...we have an incredible support system and so many people have rallied around us recently. I only get emotional when I think about the love and support we've been given recently. We are very lucky in that we were able to concieve so quickly...we pray that once we get the "all clear" we'll be able to get pregnant quickly again. God had blessed us with this first little one...and we hope and pray he'll bless us again soon. We are doing very well right now...we are relieved to finally know what the result is. That being said, we are sad about this loss and we will always remember our first pregnancy...the shock and the excitement and the sheer devastation we felt recently. But we are ready to move on and get things back to normal. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...we have felt the warmth wrapped all around us during this time.


Carrie Allen said...
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Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Allison said...

I'm so sorry Randi. Huge HUGS and prayers.

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