Monday, December 31, 2007

Our New Year's Eve: 1 possum, 2 muddy dogs

This evening Travis and I decided to stay in and relax...we were sitting on the couch. I was reading a magazine...he was playing Wii. The dogs were out in the backyard when we heard an awful commotion. Both dogs were frantically barking...the kind of bark that signaled that either they were hurt or we were being attacked or invaded. We jumped up to check it out. Both dogs were standing along our fence line (which is currently a mud pit) barking up at a possum that was tettering on the top of the fence. We know this possum, he's been here before. So Travis tries to go out to scare it away but it's not budging. So we know we have to get the dogs inside before he can really scare it away. In runs Maggie...straight to the bed (which has just been washed, of course). Travis had to capture Tucker in order to get him indoors...he went straight to the tub. I gave them both a bath so now we now have one muddy bathtub, one muddy and wet bed, and one eventful New Years! By the way, Travis threw one piece of plywood, two dog toys, two charcoal pieces at the fence and the possum was still not budging. Finally Travis grabbed a supersoaker watergun and ran it off. That was one stubborn little possum!

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