Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We had our 2nd OB appointment today. Since I am only 9 weeks they knew they couldn't get a heartbeat with the doppler yet so we got to have an external ultrasound in order to hear the heartbeat. We got a few glimpses of our lil bean and got to hear/see the heartbeat. I couldn't believe how loud and fast it was! Heartrate was 173!!! Sounds like a girl to me!

After that we headed to the mall to go bra shopping. I'm overflowing already so I knew it was time to get re-measured. So we go to the store and the saleschick measures me-tells me my lovely new size-and I cry. Yes, I did. I cried right there in that store. I was so horrified by that number! I had gone up TWO...oh yes TWO cup sizes and one band size. I'm already a busty girl so this is terrifying! I'm only 9 weeks-this can't keep happening!!! So I walk out with two brand new, humongous bras in tow. I get home and realize I had grabbed the wrong band size-so I get to go back and face those sales people again after I made a fool of myself! Yay!:)

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