Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I had to go get my bloodwork done yesterday at the NEA Women's Clinic. My doctor wanted me to come in and have my progesterin checked to see what my base level was. If it is too low, he will prescribe a supplement. I had to go in after work so I spent all day dreading it. I'm not afraid of needles or blood, it's just I dread the process. I was blessed with very deep veins. They can never get it out of the inside of my arm. I've spent hours in labs, waiting while the tech pokes, digs, and stabs at my arms. Therefore, they usually take it out of tops of my hands, and here recently the inside of my wrists (yikes!). So I sat down and gave my usual spill about don't try my arms, go for the hands. One of my hands was unusable because it had just been drawn from. The other produced no usable veins. The tech refused to take it from my wrists (thank you!) so she felt brave enough to go for the inside of the elbow. I told her good luck, it's only been done once! She tied me off, felt a vein waaaaay down deep. She said it would hurt since she had to go so deep. In she went, I never felt a thing!!! I didn't even feel pressure! She had to use the entire needle to get it...only the tube was sticking out! I wanted to give her a hug before I left..it was the best bloodwork experience I had ever had!

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