Friday, April 25, 2008

finish saferoom...check

Finally we finished our safe room today! Normally it is completed long before framing, however, our block guys never would show up to do it before the framing started. Well, we've had the walls completed for several weeks and have been waiting to get the roof installed. We had two options. Either haul 160 5 gallon buckets of concrete up the stairs to pour into the saferoom ceiling or hire a pump truck to come and do it. Of course we hired the pump truck...expensive but well worth it. It showed up today...took up the entire street and awed the entire neighborhood (several people stopped to watch). It raised it's boom 40 ft into the air and then lowered the hose into our upstairs window. Travis had to catch it from the window. Then several hoses had to be attached to reach the saferoom. We were smart enough to cover the upstairs bedroom in plastic...but little did we know it would not even come close to preventing the mess we had coming. Apparently our pump guys had not completely cleaned out the hoses from the previous pour. When they began to pump our concrete it got clogged. The guys had to pound on it to get it to release. Well...when it released it basically exploded everywhere. The electrician and I were downstairs when it happened. It was this loud boom and then splash. We knew it was bad. Concrete was everywhere...wall to wall. It poured down into the garage (all over the drywall Travis had just installed, our new back door, two boxes of siding, etc.). I ran around saying several "choice" words and trying to move what I could. Travis worked for over 5 hours to smooth it alone. We haven't even begun to tackle the job of cleaning up. That'll be tomorrow! Here are a few pics of our adventure today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!! You guys are making so much progress. We have to come back by to see your work!!

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