Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Best Friend

Meet my newest best friend...I go through about a bottle a week right now. This lil one better have a headful of hair to justify this heartburn! ;)


Allison said...

Hey Randi! I can't believe you are getting so close. And as far as the heartburn, I had it bad....really bad! My mom always said that meant she was going to be born with lots of hair and even my ultrasounds they were always pointing out her "hair." HA! She was pratically bald.

I ate tums like they were candy.
Anyway, congrats, you are almost there!

Jennifer said...

Stopping by your blog from another...cute family and little Essie is so cute :)

Reading your post about all the movements you feel especially now towards the end...I remember the rolling from side to side...boy...that was something.

Will be back soon~~

Blessing to you and your family

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