Sunday, February 19, 2012

a very birthday-rific weekend...

Essie is obsessed with birthdays right now.  She is constantly talking about her "Rapunzel birthday" and says "Essie's birfday in JUUUUULY???".  She knows daddy's birthday is in "Octobuuur" and mommy's is in "Februaaarrry". 

Actually my birthday was last Friday...the big 31.  I had a phenominal special day. My friend/co teacher made me some mint-chocolate cupcakes that were DELISH and it was her first time to bake! Travis brought me up some McAlister's sweet tea and flowers at lunch too!  That evening my family and Trav's family all came down and we went to eat at a bbq joint and came back to our house for Snicker's cake (my favorite).

Saturday Essie's new bff  Lexie from "nastics" had her birthday party. It was an adorable Toy Story themed party and all the decorations were just too cute. I teach with Lexie's momma and she made the cutest cupcake toppers and banner with her Cricut!  Essie had a blast getting to do "nastics" an extra day.  Her Aunt YaYa came down to watch and then took Essie for the afternoon so Travis and I could do some consignment shopping!

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