Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

We had a very nice Valentine's day...

A few days before, Essie addressed her Valentines for her classmates and we baked cookies to attach them too!

 Then on Valentines day she had a party at school (daddy got to go but mommy didn't since my classroom party was at the same time.) 

Once I got home, we let Essie open her valentine cards and she was so excited that her friends at school gave her cards. She kept gasping and saying "Lucas gave it to me!!!". 

She also got to open her Valentine surprise from us...

She had a little suprise for me as well...

Then we all went out to a nice, romantic dinner at Chick Fil A.  Our Chick Fil A does a full service dinner on Valentine's night...we made reservations and printed tickets for it.  They had black table cloths, flowers, candles, and we had waitresses to served us at our table.  We also got free dessert and goodies. It was so much fun and I love that we could do something Essie would love as much as us.

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