Sunday, July 17, 2011

We've moved

Yesterday we loaded up the Jeep, a truck, and small trailer and headed to our new "temporary home" in Conway. We found (begged, pleaded) with some people to let us rent an apartment month to month. Most placed laughed at me since we are moving to a 3 college town during move-in season.  So we will be calling a very nice, surprisingly spacious 671 sq. ft, one bedroom apartment home for the next few months until our house sells! We are already unpacked and settling in. Essie's asked to "go home" a handful of times but has also thanked us for her "new house" too. She seems to be adjusting okay. We've just got to work on her not running/screaming all the time since we have people living all around us and below us. And the dogs to to not bark at every little noise...apartment living will be challenging. But our family is back together living under the same roof for the first time in 6 months! I will update pics of our new "home" soon!

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