Monday, July 25, 2011

First Day of Daycare..

Today was Essie's first day of daycare. I made her teachers little "back to school" gifts of mason jars filled with M & M's with a Sonic giftcard attached. I was hoping it screamed "be nice to my baby girl".  She was very excited for her first day of school.  She was even happy (well bribed) to sit and take a few pics. 

I wish I could say her day went well. I called twice and was told she was "fine". But when I opened the door to pick her up she saw me, fell to pieces, and bawled while running to me. It broke my heart. Her teacher said she had been crying on and off all day. Essie refused to leave her blanket there and has told me that she doesn't want to go back. She wants to stay at the "big house". That's what she calls our new apartment...I think she thinks the whole complex is ours! I know its going to be ugly tomorrow but I'm hoping with time things will get better.

Speaking of our BIG are a few pics of our apartment. We've added more to the living room so I'll take more pics later of it.

And of our empty house. We went back this weekend to get it ready to show and list with an agent.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, hang in there, I know the move is difficult, but our prayers are with you. Love Essie calling the apts, her big house.

    Blessings, "Aunt Rosie"
