Tuesday, July 5, 2011

sleeping beauty (well Belle) and party prep!

I found this cute Belle shirt at KMart on 50% off. Essie looooooves it and I can tell she feels like a true princess in it.  After her nap she was so giggly and smiley. Then she got wild and started pulling the cushions off the couch so she could jump/roll around.

There are only 3 days til her birthday! We are having an informal family gathering at our house on her actual birthday night. We are going to order pizza and just hang out. I did decorate the house just a smidge. I couldn't resist. My friend Amy gave me leftover decorations from her lil one's party so I used them at our house. 

I've set our office up as party central for all the goodies for her big party! Her party is only 4 days away and we have a lot to get done and lots of cooking to do.

 I worked on one of her goodies for 4 hours today for it only to turn into a party-tastrophe. I will post pics of my disaster tomorrow...so sad.

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