Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casualty & a Princess

So the first thing I decided I wanted to make for Essie's Sesame party was Oscar's DirtCake. I decided to make Oreo ball Oscars to put into each individual dirtcake cup as well.  Yesterday I decided to go ahead and make them to ge them out of the way. It would be something easy and biggie. I've made thousands of oreo balls/pops.  Hobby Lobby was out of green candy melts so I knew I was going to have to dye my white ones. I researched it online and decided it would be best to use my gel/paste dye.  I made the oreo balls, dipped oreo cookies into gray chocolate (made from mixing some white/black melts) to make Oscar's trash can hat, popped them into the freezer so I could make my green chocolate. I melted it and added a small amount of green and the whole thing clumped and hardened as if I had added water! I freaked. I had everything else made so I decided to call around to see if I could find the green melts anywhere. Thankfully the local cake store had some so Essie and I drove all the way across town to get them. I left the balls and "hats" in the freeze while I was gone. Since I knew they would expand as they warmed up I took them out of the freezer and let them warm up before dipping. I dipped them, attached the hats, and let them harden. I made royal icing to add Oscar's lil sweet face.  After they had hardened I piped on his eyes, mouth, and furry eyebrows. I let that dry and when I went to check on it found that each one had cracked/and popped. Oscar's face has slid off of many of them. Ugh. I spent over 4 hours on these guys so they will be used at her party! It's a good thing Oscar's not  a handsome fella anyway!

And just because I thought these were cute...

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