Saturday, May 14, 2011

Springfest and the Kinders

Yesterday was Springfest at my school.  Since Travis was still in Little Rock Essie had to go with me and help Sarah and I run our booth...she was better than I thought. She did go over to the other booths a few times, ate her weight in cookies (just the middles), and even ate a few tootsie rolls that were still in the wrappers...that's okay right? She got her face painted, her nails done, played pick up ducks, and bean bag toss.  Our booth was "Minute to Win it" and the game was "face the cookie" where contestants had to get an Oreo from their forehead to their mouth by only using their face! Essie even gave it a try!

This morning we went to a Kinders Concert at a local church.  We took Essie last year when she was little bity and a few months back in Little Rock.  She loooooved it and was excited her friend Presley was there too!

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