Monday, May 16, 2011

our sunday

Our Sunday was fairly low key. Essie and I did not even leave the house! Travis worked in the yard some and Essie threw one heck of a fit to go out with him. It was freeeeeeeezing and windy though so she couldn't stay long.

She went inside and watched him from the window. Every time he would go past the window she would wave frantically and yell "Hi Daddy!".

I ordered these purple John Deere boots from zulily awhile back and we just got them in...I have a $15 credit so I paid pretty much only shipping on these.  They are too big right now...I'm hoping they fit her this fall.  This was the only picture I got...

And today she found this hairclip that came with her Rapunzel doll...she had to wear it in her hair! She threw her head around and twirled that hair like crazy! hahahaha

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