Saturday, March 26, 2011


My mom bought Essie tickets to see Sesame Street Live a few months back and we've been anxiously awaiting this day to come.  We started talking about it yesterday and Essie has been beside herself excited (and so did her mommy and daddy).  We all got dolled up in our Sesame gear and headed to Memphis this morning. We will use this pictures again shen she's a teenager and claims "we don't love her because____". Yes we wore those shirts all dinner, walking around downtown Memphis, in the mall, etc. We were even stopped on the street in Memphis by a guy who said "For some odd reason I'm feeling compelled to make a donation to PBS". hahahahah

She was so excited for it to start. She kept yelling "Big Bird R u???? Where R U?". She passed the time by feeding Big Bird popcorn and then allowing him to feed her.

Once it started she was a little scared since it got dark all at once and the music was really loud. But it didn't take long for her to begin waving at the characters like a maniac and yelling their names.  She did not like when the different characters would leave the stage.  She would yell for them to come back.  She did alot of bootie shaking and clapping and even made friends with the little girl sitting next to us.  She even conned her into feeding her popcorn!  She did fall asleep during the last 5 minutes but I woke her up to see the final act so she wasn't upset when they were gone.

When we were leaving it was raining and we had to walk several blocks to get back to our Jeep...isn't this face pitiful? I don't know if it was the rain or the fact that the show was over!

After the show we went to dinner at Krazy Canuks and had a blast and some really yummy food. And of course Essie fell fast asleep for the entire ride home...clutching her new Big Bird doll. At one point she said "Big Bird" in her sleep. :)

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