Thursday, March 31, 2011

a cookie week

I hate when I miss blogging for several days in a's just so crazy and hectic on my own during the week! This week was especially rough..I had an order for 4 dozen decorated sugar cookies for Friday.  So those took time each day (made dough sunday to put in fridge, baked monday, piped and flood iced tuesday, decorated wednesday, and bagged, tagged today!) I think they turned out so cute....

The only pics I took this week are these of EC before Kindermusik Tuesday. She doesn't like to get her picture made right now..the camera comes out and she hollers "NO!" and takes off running!

She was beyond ready to "jing jang" Kindermusik. She missed it so much last week! She's asked me to take her back everyday since.  Oh and she asks to go to Elmo everyday as well! :)

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