Thursday, August 19, 2010


This morning we got up extra early and got ready for our first day back to school...

Me and Essie before we left...

Daddy and Essie before we left...

Essie on her way to daycare...we had to wake her up this morning...she was SO tired!

I was really nervous about taking her today since she's been so clingy all summer.  But we took her in...she waltzed in like she owned the place...went right up to deena...and was just as happy as can be! She was super excited about all the new toys!

I had a really good first day back to work...I've got a GREAT group of kiddos this year and I'm excited about our year together! 

Essie was super happy and in a great mood when we picked her up so I know she had a great day! This was her on the way home....

And we were all soooo dang tired that we went out for dinner and Essie had a blast munching on some rolls!!!

And to answer some questions...No, Travis hasn't found anything yet.  He's continued to apply several places and has even been referred to the hiring committee for one but nothing yet.  He is going to substitute teach at my school for the time being and I'm really excited about that! We appreciate your continued prayers soooo much!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Essie looks so much like you now! You guys are such a cute family! Thanks for sharing! :)
