Wednesday, August 18, 2010


First of all...I got a NEW sassy hairdo!

I had all my hair chopped off...I was sick and tired of the ponytails everyday! I got it colored and chopped shorter than I've had it in years!!!

Then we went to a baby shower for a NEW baby girl named Bailey Kate.  My longtime Bff Ashley is expecting Bailey to arrive in a few weeks....and bless her heart she was about to pop!!!

Essie and Ashley's little one Adalyn had a blast playing together! Even though they are almost the same size Adalyn is a year older than Essie!!!

And finally tomorrow is the beginning of a NEW school year so I need to hop off here and get stuff ready! Tomorrow is Essie's first day back to daycare...I'm a lil nervouse about how she will do! She's been spoiled with having both mommy and daddy all summer!!! Wish us all luck tomorrow! :)

But before I is a video of Essie dancing! I received a text from my friend Mandi that plays music and as soon as I opened it Essie started dancing away!!! I had to keep opening it over and over!!!


  1. Hi Randi! Love the new 'do. I don't mean to be nosey, but how is Travis doing with the job hunt? I hope he has a lead on a new job and you and your family won't have to move.

  2. Oh I love the new hair do!! It's adorable on you hmmm thinking I might like this hair do for me too :) Essie is tooo cute dancing in that high chair! She has such a spunky personality. Good luck with the new school year and let us know how Essie does on her first day back as well.

  3. Just wanted to say I love your new hair looks awesome on you! My daughter (born same day) loved watching Essie!
