Monday, June 7, 2010

mountain goat

I'm not 100% sure but I think my child has at least a little bit of moutain goat in her....what do you think???

She started off this morning by helping me unload the dishwasher....

and then she watched daddy mow the yard and she loved it!  She screamed and laughed the whole time!
She is climbing up onto, off of, and into everything she possibly can!  I feel like I'm constantly having to get her down off things. 

And this took all...she was standing up in her new pink chair and rocking it back and forth! 

And then she up and decided she was sick and tired of asking to go outside and went out on her own...

I just couldn't believe it!  Just like that...out the doggie door and onto other things...she's a little daredevil I do believe!

In fact she wore herself out climbing today and was in bed sound asleep by 6:30! I just hope that doesn't mean she will be up at 4:30 in the morning! ha!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! We all knew it would eventually happen! Love you all!
