Tuesday, June 8, 2010

11 Months...

ELEVEN MONTHS!  E-L-E-V-E-N MONTHS OLD! Essie is just can't be!  Cannot be possible...I just brought you home yesterday!  One month until your birthday and mommy is hard at work getting things ready for that. I am so excited and keeping busy so I don't actually think about how fast you are growing up! Here is what is going on with you lately...
  • You weigh 20.3 pounds....and I have no idea how long you are...but you are reaaaallllly tall. 
  • You wear size 12 months sized cloths and have moved up to size 3 shoes.  You are still in size 3 diapers.
  • You are mostly eating table food and you want to feed yourself....you are DONE with babyfood!
  • You are sooo close to walking on your own.  You cruise everything and walk while only holding onto one of our fingers.  You stand by yourself quite often but you are still a little scared to head off on your own.
  • You love to put on sunglasses, hats, shoes, brush your hair and take care of your baby.
  • You have FIVE teeth...two on top and three on bottom.
  • You are talking all the time! Right now you can say: bye-bye, hi, daddy/dada, mommy/mama, nana, pa, meemaw & peepaw, ra-ra (sarah), maaammmie (maggie), tutut (tucker), baba (bottle), more (with the sign language), baby, momo (elmo), no, bark, yeah, ball, and puppy.
  • You sleep from 8-6 usually and take a few short naps. 
  • You want to be outside allllll the time...you will sit at the back door and ask to be outside.  You cry if we don't take you out!
  • You love to empty things...baskets of toys, laundry, bags, etc. 
  • You have learned to crawl out of the doggie door and htis stresses us out!
  • You are into EVERYTHING and wear us plum out! This morning you crawled into the shower with mommy and got soaking wet!

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