Sunday, May 30, 2010

weekend in the bluff...

Friday afternoon we headed down to Pine Bluff to visit with Travis' family. Friday was also Essie's last day at daycare with Mrs. Deena so it was bittersweet. She will go back to her next August. It was also her real last day with her friend Macy there...Macy will be going to a formal daycare next year. That means Essie will be the big dog at daycare! And she will be joined by her "ra-ra" and "matt-matt"'s little one next year as well! :)It took us a full hour to get out of town. Travis had the Jeep packed and ready to go when he picked us up but I forgot to pay Deena so we had to go back into town to pay her and then once we got on our way we had to turn around for something and then we turned around again because Essie was throwing one heck of a fit the whole time and we had just about decided to wait and go Saturday morning. And of course as soon as we turned around and started heading home she fell asleep so we turned around again and went on our way. And she only slept for a lil bit and screamed the rest of the time. She's cutting two teeth right now...her right top tooth and a third tooth on the bottom. We tried every trick we could think of to keep her busy and finally resorted to letting her shred napkins as entertainment!
We got into town around 8 Friday night, ate dinner, and went to bed!

Saturday Essie woke up kinda sickly...coughing and sneezing like crazy. We left her with Peepaw and went to the farmer's market and walmart. Her meemaw picked up this......

And Essie was ALL about it! That child loves to climb and she climbed and climbed and climbed. She wasn't so much into the sliding part but she sure liked climbing. She even climbed up the slide part all by herself! I couldn't believe it! She loved standing on the top and jumping and screaming!

She played so hard that she and Peepaw both needed a nap!
That afternoon they went out and played with her new swing!

And that evening she enjoyed a nice blue popsicle before her bath! And once she was in Pj's she wanted to climb and play some more!

She had a really rough night Saturday night...was up coughing most of the night. So we decided church wasn't the best option for her so we stayed home and she took another nap...

Then after meemaw and peepaw came home we went to lunch and we loaded up and headed home. But not before we made a few stop in Little Rock. We stopped at GardenRidge and Essie fell in LOVE with this pink rocking chair. As soon as she sat in it she started rocking which cracked us up! There were some ladies nearby who just fell to pieces laughing at her. Essie had people stopping to watch her rock like crazy! I have a feeling that she will be getting this pink rocker for her bday!

And we are finally home...and ready for bed! We've got a whole list of stuff to do before I go back to work Tuesday! I only have 3 and a half more days until Summer Break! Yay!

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