Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

We've had a pretty low-key but busy Memorial day!  I was so excited to dress Essie up in her red, white, and blue!  She wasn't as excited though!

And I just about cried she looked so darling in these pigtails! She looked like a toddler though!!!

We headed out bright and early and Essie talked us into going to McDonalds for breakfast.  She loves their pancakes and yogurt parfaits.

Then we ran errands to walmart, kmart, and hobby lobby.  Then we came home and she took a short nap while I did dishes and cleaned.  I also made over 80 oreo balls for work tomorrow.  Once Essie woke up it was lunch time and I let her have an oreo for dessert!  She loved it of course!

Travis took her outside to take some pics in the red chair but she was not cooperating!

She finally took a nice long nap so we could get some vinyling done for some projects we have going and once she got up we went outside for awhile so daddy could grill dinner.

And just because I think it's way too is a pic of Essie throwing a fit.  She does this thing where she puts her head down on the gorund to show just how upset she really it.  I just can't help but laugh!

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