Thursday, October 22, 2015

5 Months...

Lottie Ann House! You are FIVE MONTHS already!  Here is what you are up to:

  • You still can wear 0-3 months clothes but we are moving to 3-6 mos for length.  You just moved to size 2 diapers and your feet are still too small for most shoes.
  • You weigh just under 14 pounds.
  • You have started eating baby LOVE it.  Your favorites are squash, green beans, and pears.  You do NOT like peas.
  • You have started sitting up on your own and can roll/scoot across the floor to get where you want. 
  • You are obsessed with chewing...your fingers are always in your mouth.
  • Your sister is your favorite person.
  • You laugh and smile all the time.
  • You want to be talked to or held all day long.
  • You are so social.

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