Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Essie is SIX!!!

I cannot believe you are SIX!  You are so much fun at this age.
  • You are so smart and creative.
  • You love to draw and play with Barbies but your favorite thing is to play on your IPAD and watch Youtube videos.
  • You have become the greatest big sister.
  • You have lost 2 teeth and have one more loose one.
  • You no longer watch cartoons but instead watch "539" which is regular Disney...you LOVE Jesse and Liv & Maddie.
  • You wear size 12 shoes and size 6 clothes.  I cannot wait to see how much you've grown at your check up.
  • We love watching you grow up and cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for you.

 On your birthday, you got to open several presents and chose to go to the movies to see "Inside Out' and dinner at Mulans.  Your boyfriend Icen's parents work there and you loooove to go see him.  So Lexie and her momma, Yaya, and of course Icen joined us for dinner.  They surprised you with cards, a rose, and a birthday cake.  It was so special! 

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