Friday, November 21, 2014

15 weeks

Hellllooo 2nd Trimester! I am thrilled to report that the nausea/food aversions/utter, pure exhaustion have subsided!  I do have more energy but am still tired and have to take breaks quite often.  Thanks to my new-found energy we got all our Christmas decorations out AND up last weekend and I've been able to check several things off my "to-do" list.  Baby House has grown into the size of an orange.

  • Maternity clothes? Not quite yet but I can definitely tell more "growth" this second time around.  I cannot button any pants I own and have to do the "rubber band trick"...which is super annoying with all the potty trips 
  • Stretch marks? ha. Just Essie's leftovers!
  • Sleep: Decent...I loooove to be in bed by 8:30 most night and I crash.  I'm up at least twice a night for bathroom breaks. 
  • Best moment this week: might have felt a little flutter!
  • Movement: possibly...think I felt some flutter the other day
  • Food cravings: nothing really...
  • Gender: we find out in a few weeks!
  • What I miss: having "normal" sinuses...pregnancy rhinitis is NOT my friend.
  • What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving break...resting 
  • Biggest complaint: sinuses (headaches, drainage, dizziness), hormones
  • Milestones: nothing really this week...
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