Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tea party and consignment finds

I am selling a ton of Essie's old clothes and toys at Rhea Lana in Little Rock this week.  Yesterday I got to go shop before it opened to the public and I found some super cute things!  I got the most adorable Snow White and Tinkerbell costumes that are handmade, boutique items.  I paid 10 dollars each and did a little research and found them on Etsy for almost $50 each!  The tinkerbell one is a lil big so I'm hoping the priss will be Snow White for Halloween this year.  Check out these cute costumes! I also found a Sleeping Beauty dress from the Disney Store but forgot to take a pic of it.

I found cute dresses, a minky jacket, long sleeve tees, and even a twirly Christmas skirt!  I also found a Rapunzel shirt that Essie demanded to wear to bed last night and a Rapunzel backpack!

I got 22 items for only $130 and I've already sold over double that amount in Essie's clothes! Whooohooo!

This morning after breakfast Essie decided to have a tea party.  After tea, it must have been time for nap. 

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