Saturday, March 31, 2012

Goal revisit

So it's been 3 months since I made my 12 goals for '12...let's check in and see how it's going!
I am determined to make 2012 a good year for here are my 12 goals for 2012!

1. Get settled. We've been unsettled for pretty much 2 years. I want to get our new house together, get rid of all our old junk, start fresh.... We are still working on this one. We are quite a bit more settled than we were in January though! We still have the garage to get through.

2. I saw this one over on Allison's it! Have 100 NO SPEND days where we spend absolutely nothing on those days! I'm going to make a little chart to put somewhere to keep up with this one for us. I'm very curious to see if we can do it! ummm...yeah...this  one was pretty much impossible for us. Travis eats lunch out everyday at work so this would NOT work for us. We tried, we failed. :(

3. Complete the potty training process with Essie...she does much better at school so I know it's our fault. We are honestly being lazy about it and we need to go full force and get her out of those pull ups. DONE! Essie is officially potty trained so I can CHECK this one off the list.

4. Be a better friend. I hope I'm doing okay on this one...I have tried to put more effort into my friendships at least!

5. Read at least 3 books. The first one is sitting on my nightstand ready to go.."The Hunger Games". Yes I am late coming to the Hunger Games party but I am determined to get caught up before the movie comes out! DONE!!! The Hunger Games trilogy helped me accomplish this and they were amazing books! Check!

6. Find a church home. Sadly we have yet to check this one off...maybe soon though!

7. Get caught up on Essie's photo books...create a blog book too!  I am overwhelmed by this one and neeeed to do it but haven't yet!

8. Start new family traditions...Friday night movie night, Family Game night, etc. We are doing pretty good with this! We typically have family nights on Fridays and we always go out to dinner after gymnastics!

9. Keep my car clean. It's always a mess-inside and out. Yes! I have done so much better with this if the hubs will too.

10. Do something nice/unexpected for/with my students more often. I have such a wonderful opportunity as a Kindergarten teacher to set them on the right path in education! I think I'm accomplishing this one! I've tried having surprises for my kiddos and I went to a birthday party the other day. I do love them and am sad I only have a few weeks left with them!

11. Get my wisdom teeth out...rediculous I know but I've been putting it off for years! Nope. not yet. Maybe this summer.

12. Get healthy. So cliche but I'm wanting to add onto our family in the near future and I need to be in better health to do it. I am still down around 20 pounds. I did lose 25 but have gained some back in the past 2 weeks. However I am starting back full force with Zumba classes and eating healthy!

Those are my goals...I would love to accomplish them all...let's see how this year goes!

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