Sunday, January 8, 2012

How the GOALS are going...

I feel we've been doing fairly well on our '12 goals.  We had hoped to spend the weekend knocking out the house but we've slacked more than anything. We watched the HOGS win the Cotton Bowl on Friday night and we are watching the RedWolves (our Alma Mater) play in the GoDaddy Bowl right now. We did get about 6 boxes unpacked Saturday night along with Essie's room organized somewhat. 

I have lost 7 pounds since Jan. 1st and accidentally started a Biggest Loser competition at my school. I casually mentioned it during lunch one day and that turned into an afterschool meeting with 26 people signing up! We have a pot of $520 at stake right now! Our first weigh in is Monday to establish our base weight and we will weigh in every Friday following that until Spring Break.

We've had 3 no spend days so far. I think that's pretty good. It's alot harder than we anticipated. We have to communicate on when to buy gas, when Travis' buys lunch or packs it, etc. 

Just for are a few pics of our week. It's been so warm we enjoyed some chalk time outside.

I made my first Pinterest project at our new house...I love him....he is just adorable!

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