Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Christmas

After we got home from Batesville we had to get busy so we could get ready for our family's Christmas! She spread out some more reindeer food of course...

 We didn't get Essie to bed until midnight since she was still so riled up! Then Travis and I stayed up til 4 am getting her big Santa gift put together...a huge dollhouse. She asked for a princess castle but for cheaper we were able to get a wooden, much nicer, much bigger one.  When Essie got up she ran straight to the tree and grabbed a gift and tore into it!

She was so excited and got a ton of Princess stuff. 

We saved the big gift til the end and read her the note Santa left her that told her that her big surprise was in her room and BOBIS was waiting for her there. She had to kiss BOBIS goodbye so he could fly back to the North Pole! Essie loved her new doll house and played with it off and on all day!

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