Monday, November 21, 2011

The BEST Christmas gift EVER!

Apartment living has been rough on us the past four months...and each day we've paitently (okay....not so patiently) waited for our house to sell.  We've had TONS of lookers. Rumors of offers yet nothing. So we made a drastic decision to fire our realtor. A week later we were showing it and they made an offer, we countered and they accepted! We officially have a contract on our house! Thank you Jesus! AND to top that off we've looked at dozens and dozens of houses and found our new house...and we have a contract on that as well! So we are in the process of paperwork, appraisals, inspections, etc. Our closing date right now is set for December 23rd. We are hoping and praying we can close early however! Please continue to pray that everything goes smoothly! is what we've been up to lately...

Essie had her hair cut finally!!!  She was soooo good the whole time and she looks so much older!

We also had Cooper's first birthday party this past weekend! It was "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" themed...he is such an adorable little guy!


  1. CONGRATS ON selling your house and finding a new home. It will truly be a Happy Thanksgiving for y'all.

    Luv, Aunt Rosie

  2. Congratulations!!!! A wonderful blessing for you and your family.
