Sunday, October 16, 2011

fashionista and lots of randomness

We have quite a little fashionista on our hands.

The other night she wanted to pick out her pajamas. So I let her. And she chose a princess night gown with Belle socks and gold glitter shoes.

This past Thursday was purple day at her school so she looked ADORABLE in her purple dress, boots, and big bow!

Her school is also having a superhero themed Fall Festival so we dug out this Batgirl costume from her dress up tub...we tried it on just to make sure it fit....

And here is her very first school picture! I think it turned out so cute.

Friday night our friends "RaRa", "Matt-Matt", and "Poopah" came to visit! They got her really late friday night. Essie tried very hard to wait up but didn't make it. Yes, she had one shoe on...she's obsessed with shoes right now.

Saturday morning we all got up (yest we all stayed at our 600 sq ft apartment) and went to Stoby's for breakfast.

Then we went a town over to the pumpkin patch. I got only a few pics then my camera died so I will do an official pumpkin patch post once Sarah sends me her pics!

Then Sarah and I made Cooper's smash cake for his one year pictures..I can't believe he is going to be one next month! His party is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed..I thought we did a pretty good job! He is already walking around....Essie was so excited she yelled "Poopah walking!".

Then Saturday afternoon we all drove to Heber for a birthday party. It was such a cute party and the kids had a blast jumping in the bounce house! After all that excitement this was Essie on the way home...

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