Tuesday, September 6, 2011

sneaky monkey

Yesterday we drove down to Little Rock to meet Aunt YaYa and go to the zoo. First we had planned to use some coupons we had at Juanitas but it was closed. :( so we stopped at the Clinton Museum store and Essie wanted to drive the truck in there. I found some Bill and Hillary cookie cutters for a dollar so I was majorly pumped!

Essie had a blast at the zoo. She was all into the animals. We didn't even have a stroller...she walked the majority and we carried her some too. She loved the giraffes so much. They were right next to us! She did NOT like thier long tongues. She kept saying "Eeeww". Once we left she got a stuffed animal and she picked out a stuffed giraffe she named "eeewwwwweee". 

A little while back I saw this picture on Ashley's Avenue blog and I had the idea to show this to Essie and tell her the "monkey got her sassy" at the zoo. So that's what we did. And she's been sassy free for over 24 hours now. She seems okay with it and she wants to see the picture of the monkey all the time.

And after the zoo we drove down to Pine Bluff to visit with Meemaw and Peepaw and Uncle Jim and Aunt Jane. Essie had a blast and did NOT want to leave.

We got home late last night and this morning Essie woke up with both eyes almost completed swollen shut. So I stayed home and took her to the doctor. They said it was allergies and she had a stye on one eye.

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