Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life in Conway so far

My camera is broken so I've not taken pictues in so long. Here are some from my phone (hence the terrible quality).
Life in Conway has been busy so far. We are constantly running/doing/working. I'm trying to get my classroom ready and learn the town! Essie is adjusting extremely well to daycare and is really enjoying it. She has a luau there Friday afternoon that I am just so excited about! I am making cupcakes and a veggie tray to take!

Essie loves our "Big House". She calls the living room her "bedroom" since her toys are in there. She plays all night long. We've tried having her wear her Abby slippers to soften her jumps for the sanity of our downstairs neighbors.

 Monday was my last day off sinceI'm in training everyday until school starts. My classroom is coming along..I'm not quite done. School starts in a week and a half! Yikes!

It's been so terribly HOT here...miserable!

I had a meeting today and I got my nametag, signed up for insurance, etc. So I'm officially a Conway teacher!

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