Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pinterest! aka my new obsession!

I am OBSESSED with Pinterest. Like REALLY crazy nutso over it. I've spent the better part of Essie's naptime for the past two weeks browsing, getting creative ideas, and drooling.  For those of you unaware of Pinterest it's a website for visually sharing ideas for decorating, food, design, party planning, teaching, fashion, etc. It's FABULOUS.
 For instance...

I want to do this in my new classroom for a reading center...

And this is a fabulous princess room that I can dream/drool over for Essie

And this would be great to do for storage!

What a great breakfast idea!

And they even have holiday ideas! Whoohooo

1 comment:

  1. I just joined Pinterest too and I'm still finding my way around. It is cool though!
