Tuesday, June 7, 2011


All I can say is What.  A.   Week.  Whew... I forgot to post this earlier but on Thursday Cooper and "RaRa" came over and Essie and Cooper had a playdate!  Then....Friday was my last day at FME...it was a sad day for me.  Friday was also Essie's last day at Deena's.  Deena has taken care of Essie since she was 12 weeks old and we are going to miss her something awful.

Saturday morning we all went to my classroom to clean it out. We loaded up my Jeep and Travis' truck with all my junk..it's crazy how much stuff you collect in education! And I did A LOT of purging beforehand!

Then that night all the lovely ladies I work with work had a farewell dinner for me.  We went to my fav pizza place and it was nice to relax and laugh. They bought me a beautiful charm for my bracelet and a framed picture/mat they had all signed as well. Oh I will miss those ladies so much!

Sunday we had to show the house two times.  Then my friend Allison brought over this cutie patootie. Travis' sister is adopting her...her name is LuLu and she is a precious lil' basset hound. Essie loves her too.

Then we met my parents in Bald Knob so they could take Essie home with them since Travis and I were going to Conway to spend the day Monday looking at daycares and houses.  We've looked at 4 daycares and 25 houses and we think we've found "the one" of each. We are making an offer on a house tomorrow...please pray it works out for us.  We are anxiously awaiting offers on our house as well. 

This morning I left Little Rock early and drove to Batesville to get the lil diva and then we drove back home.  We had Essie's first class of Kindermusik for summer session and she was WILD the whole time. I was exhausted when we left!

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