Sunday, May 1, 2011

Woody, woody, woody

Essie is at that phase where she instantly becomes obsessed with any movie she watches.  Our latest (besides Tangled) is Toy Story 3.  She watched it in the car for our trips down to Little Rock and back.  It didn't take long before she would demand for "woody, woody, woody". She can only name Woody and Buzzzzzzzzzz in the movie but she watches it so intently! Tonight she was demanding for Woody again and I remembered that we got a Jesse costume on clearance back after Halloween for her to play dress up.  I dug it out and she was super pumped about it! She immediately ran to our bathroom mirror to check herself out.

I don't mind the new obsession with Toy Story. It's one of my favorite Disney is just soooooo dang sad.  The part where Andy's mom goes into his room after he's packed for college....kills me everytime! What it is with Disney and their tearjerkers? I mean UP was just the most depressing thing ever! Anyway, we are lucky to get Travis at home for a few extra days since he's giving a seminar on Tuesday here in Jonesboro! So we have him until Wednesday morning. It's a good thing too since we are pretty much flooded in around here!

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