Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I had a very lovely Mother's Day! The hubs gave me two bouquets of flowers, some charms for my bracelet, and some other small things.  Essie gave me the funniest card ever!

We started the day off with brunch at O'Charleys. Essie ate her weight in eggs!

Then we spent the afternoon outside. I put this cutesie swimsuit on Essie...the booty was too die for.  She didn't like it and stripped completely down so I put some comfy play clothes on her!

She then helped her daddy work in the yard...we bought two new trees and she worked hard to help him plant them! It melted me to see my lil princess covered in red clay dirt! She had the biggest time and then crashed for her afternoon nap!

That evening we went to the mall and then to eat dinner at our fav Mexican joint!

I am sooooooo blessed to be the mommy to that crazy wild little cutie!

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