Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Life Changing Week.

Well it's sure been one heck of a week in our family. I received a phone call last Friday telling me that I had been selected for a job in Conway. I had to go for a final interview with the superintendent before it became "official". I've not been able to mention it until now. I drove down to Conway this past Friday and went for the interview and the position was officially offered to me. I accepted it and we've begun the process of relocating. We are officially now moving to Conway. I'm incredibly sad about leaving our home, our friends, my job. But I know this is God's plan for us and I will grow to love and accept that.  Friday night we all went to dinner with Travis' sister, mom and dad.  We went to Cock of the Walk and essie loved feeding the fish! We even say a huge peahen! It was crazy!

Saturday we all went back to Conway to look around and start looking for homes.  We went to lunch and Essie was such a mess!

That night she started running fever and showing symptoms of a urinary tract infection so we took her to an after hours clinic in little rock.  She was diagnosed with that and has sense coughed her poor little head off. Bless her heart she sounds awful.

This morning Travis and I had an appointment with a realtor to look at a bunch of houses.  Essie stayed with her aunt "yaya" and they went to church.  Essie wore this cute vintage dress that YaYa had and I gave her some Cindy Brady piggietails to match! 

Travis and I looked at 11 houses today and were beyond exhausted when it was over.  We drove back to Little Rock so essie and I could head back home to Jonesboro. 

We've been in a whirlwind for the past few weeks and we have sooooooo much to do in the next few weeks I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it.  I have to wrap up my schoolyear, pack my classroom, prepare the pile of paperwork for my new job, find a daycare for Essie, sell our house, find a new house, etc. OH my how our life is about to change....

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