Saturday, April 2, 2011

sad day at our house.

Today was a sad day at our house. We finally broke down and put our house up for sale. It's time. It doesn't look like things are going to go our way. I'm applying at schools down around Little Rock (at seven different districts to be exact).

But on the bright side my mom and Haley came down to watch Essie so Travis and I could spend some time together this afternoon.  We had planned to go to the movies but decided to walk the mall.  It was so nice to spend almost two hours in the mall just looking and walking.  I found some clothes to wear on my job interviews.  Then we went to eat was so nice to sit and get to visit without a whiny toddler in the mix!


  1. I'm so sorry. I understand because we are just a few steps behind the same decision. Let's pray that everything goes well.

    Big hug!!!

  2. take care ~~~ visiting here with a smile ~~~
