Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

My school was closed on Friday due to Good Friday so Essie and I left early that morning headed to Little Rock. We got in town in time to take Travis to eat lunch even. Then afterwards Essie and I went to play at the WonderPlace. I forgot to take my camera so no pictures. :( Then we went back that night for their egg hunt.

Saturday morning we all went to Burns Park to their egg hunt. It was a rediculous mess and Essie only got one egg.  But she did like coloring and playing!

Then it was on to Jason's Deli for lunch and a quick nap so we could get ready for Princesses on Ice! Essie looked so stinkin cute in her Snow White outfit!

After the show we met Trav's parents down in Leola? (is that right?) at a catfish joint to eat dinner. They had a lot of animals there too and I thought it was so funny that as soon as "Snow White" showed up the deer came running! ha!

Sunday morning we got ready for church...but Essie was so tired she didnt last long and we had to leave early. We tried to get a picture of her in the same spot as last year but....she was NOT cooperating!

 Then we let her open her basket and have her egg hunt. She was all about finding her Elmo eggs! We wrapped up her weekend by dyeing some eggs and her Meemaw anbd Peepaw gave her their gift...the whole Princess collection! She was in LOVE! Then it was time to head back home.

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