Thursday, April 7, 2011

Catchin up for the week...

Honestly...the week goes by so dang fast with Travis gone that I cannot decipher what day is what. Tuesday was Essie's Kindermusik night and Travis' parents came down to go with her since it was Grandparents Night. We completely forgot our cameras though!!! :(

This morning while I was getting ready for work I found my kiddos like this...

This week at work we are standardized testing (YUUUUCK!) so it's been extra busy. I'm also doing my annual dinosaur exhibit! Here are some cupcakes I made for our big exhibit tomorrow...I also made dinosaur nests (haystacks).

Essie had to taste test them for me...

It was so pretty we went for a walk around the neighborhood and played in the backyard for awhile.

She had spaghetti for dinner...well she WORE spaghetti for dinner.

And another cupcake....

We already have someone interested in our house and we are showing it this we are going to have a super busy weekend of cleaning out this house!

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