Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break part #1 (from Essie's point of view)

Friday when mommy picked me up from Mrs. Deena's house she said we were on "Spring Break" and we were going to see Nana & Papa and that daddy would meet us in Batesville! So we loaded the car up with our stuff, Maggie Mae, and Tucker and drove to Batesville.  The very first thing I wanted to do was play on the swingset!

Saturday we played hard all day and I took a nap on mommy's chest!  Once I woke up we went to one of my mommy's favorite places Elizabeths to eat lunch.  My cousin Haley came too.  Then that evening we got all dressed up and went to my mommy's friend Andrea's wedding.  It was beautiful but I didn't get to say long because I kept yelling out "wanna eat cookie" during the ceremony.  So daddy took me outside for awhile.  Later that night Nana and Papa played with me so mommy and daddy could go out for dinner together.

Sunday we went to breakfast and then came home to play some more.  Then we loaded up the car to go to Heber Springs to visit my great uncle who had just had heart surgery.  Then mommy and I followed daddy to little rock! I ate a lot of cheese puffs on the way down there!

Monday morning Mommy and I went to my favorite place in Little Rock "The Wonder Place". We had the whole place to ourselves and we played soooo much!

 After we played we drove over to see daddy's new office...I got to visit daddy at work! Then we took him to eat pizza.  I really liked eating pizza because I kept asking mommy that night "go out eat pizza?"

 While we waited on daddy to get off work we hung out at aunt yaya's house. I loved running around and jumping. I didn't want to take a nap since I was so excited!

 Finally daddy got home and he and mommy took me to see my very first movie! We saw "Tangled" at the dollar movie and I was sooooo good. I clapped and ate popcorn the whole time. I only got restless at the end.  When it was over I yelled out "more!"

 After the movie we met Meemaw and Peepaw and YaYa at Gadwalls for dinner. I was so excited to see them that I kept making cheesy grinny faces.
 Tuesday mommy and I took daddy to Panera for lunch...I ate my whole peanut butter sandwich! It was so yummy! After that daddy had to go back to work so mommy took me to the jumpzone.  I was really scared of that place so we left and went to play at the WonderPlace again!

 That night Meemaw and Peepaw came down and I showed them my awesome gymnastics routine. Maggie Mae even joined in.  They took me to the park to play and Mcdonalds for dinner while Mommy and daddy went to the razorback baseball game.

 When Yaya got home we looked at magazines together!

 And Wednesday morning (today) we got up and loaded the car up. Mommy took me to eat lunch with daddy one more time before we came home.
 Then it was time to head home. I fell asleep and slept the whole way. Mommy said that she and daddy have lots of more fun surprises for me the rest of spring break but for now I'm happy to be home and playing with my dollhouse! :)

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