Thursday, March 3, 2011

the groove

One of the things I dislike most about Travis being gone is I've completely lost my routine is gone.  I feel like I'm running in circles alllllllll day and never making any progress.  Nighttime has been a HUGE issue.  Essie has been fighting sleep so much since Travis has been gone that I'm exhausted...utterly exhausted.  Today we tried to run a few errands which ended with me giving up and just going home.  I've not been able to blog near as much (which I hate) or even take pictures very often.  So I'm forcing myself to sit down tonight and blog really quick in between my diva toddler's fits..ha!

Yesterday she looked just adorable in this minnie dress and ears...these were taken before we went to Kindermusik.

Today she got home and dug out some Elmo and Oscar socks and wanted to wear one of each.  Then we played with some playdoh while dinner was cooking.

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