Friday, February 25, 2011

how we are making it...

Well I'm sure you noticed that one of the biggest changes since Travis has moved away is that my blogging time has been cut waaaay down. I used to blog while he rocked her to sleep and that was just our nightly routine. Now since I'm on my own it just doesn't happen. So we are truckin on. We don't like it but like I've said a 1000 times before it could be MUCH worse. I don't sleep well during the week...between the floppy toddler in the bed with me and the dogs barking or needing to go out I've not been getting near the amount of sleep I used to. Therefore I'm exhausted. And having to keep up with the chores, errands, etc on my own adds to that. Essie is okay during the week. I can tell she misses her daddy. She says his name in her sleep and asks for him first thing when she wakes up. And once he comes home Friday nights she won't let go of him! But we are making it work for now. I have started completing applications for Little Rock area schools...which is extrememly time consuming and not fun at all. So for now we are taking it day by are a few pics of my sweetie this week....

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