Sunday, January 16, 2011

our sunday

This morning I tried a new recipe "Peanut Butter Banana Stuffed French Toast" for breakfast.  It's a Paula Deen recipe and was rediculous! I am posting the recipe over on the blog! After that we headed upstairs and I started going through all Essie's old summer/spring clothes so I could start getting them ready for our Popsicles Consignment sale in a few weeks.  I worked for over 2 hours and am nowhere near done! I'm planning on going back up there to finish tonight! I LOVE (no am obsessed) with consigning.  Not only do I make some great money but that is where I get 95% of Essie's clothes! Oh I love it...I even take a half a personal day from work so I can shop early (I volunteer to get to do this too!).  It's my drug. Essie came up there and played and managed to get "stuck"..

Anyway...Essie's hair is out of control.  I don't want to cut it againg but we don't know what to do with it! It's crazy long in the front and hangs right in her face.  I can't stand it! And the back is stringy.  I ended up putting it into TWO ponytails today! Ha!

This afternoon we needed to get out of the house.  My mom had recieved a coupon for Essie's half birthday for 20 free tokens from Chuck E. Cheese.  So we went and let her spend it.  The only thing we paid for was a drink..we got out of there having only spent $2.04!!! Essie loved the sights and sounds but didn't want to stay in one place very long.

Then we came home so I could cook yet another new recipe and get her bathed and into bed.  She loves these Elmo books because they have a lineup of the characters in the cover.  She will sit and name them for hours.  She also loves for us to ask her "Where's Snuff?", etc and she will point them out.  While I was cooking she laid on the floor and did just that! :)

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