Sunday, January 30, 2011

a letter to ya'll

Since I blogged about our current situation a little while back we have had so many people (some we know, some we don't) reach out to us and lend kind words, support, testimonies, etc.  I realize that we are extremely blessed that Travis has a job.  I have a job.  We have a house, clothing, food in the fridge, a car to drive....and most importantly a healthy, beautiful little girl.  So many people are going through much worse seasons in their lives.  We have an incredible support system filled with friends, family, and even strangers.  I cannot thank you all enough for reaching out to us.  We will be fine...there will be days that I will feel sorry for myself.  There will be days that I'm angry at our situation.  But even in our saddness and anger and frustration I know that we have so much to be thankful for! I will keep everyone updated as we move along in the next few weeks!

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