Sunday, January 23, 2011

craft-tastic Sunday...

We've spent our Sunday just hanging out and finishing up several projects. 

Essie played with blocks...

pretended to be mommy...

and even painted with water.  (who knew a bowl of water, piece of paper, and paintbrush would keep her entertained so well?)

I worked on several's been a long time since I made her any bows and I've been wanting to make her a Valentine bow.  Here are the three I made today. 

I also painted her some Elmo shoes.  I saw these on a website awhile back and have been looking for some Keds.  I found some on 75% off awhile back (so I only paid $6.00) and I got to it today.  These aren't quite done..I still  need to add the ribbon laces but Essie is flipping for them already!

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable! I love her dress! Where did you find her black shirt and leggings?
